When you need help, please remember the following:

  • Your lecturer and tutor are always willing to help you, and are determined to see you succeed in this class.
  • Before asking for help, please remember to search:
    • Use a web search.
    • Search the Piazza site.
    • Consult the FAQ
  • If none of the above provide answers, ask on Piazza, or ask your lecturer or tutor in person during your lecture or lab.
    • Asking a question on the forum contributes to everybody’s learning as the whole class gets the benefit of the discussion or answer.
    • Avoid making a private post whenever practical (others in the class are often going to have similar questions).
    • Be sure to take advantage of the 1:1 consultation hours.

Please use the class forum for all questions and communication (except when explicitly instructed to use something else). Do not contact your lecturers or tutors directly via email, teams chat or any channel other than the the class forum.

Convener + Lecturer: Patrik Haslum #

I’ve been at the ANU School of Computing, in some way, since 2006. Before that, I did my PhD at Linköping University. My research is in AI and optimisation, focused on automated planning/scheduling and decision support. Most recently I’ve taught introductory programming aimed at non-computer science students (COMP1730), and previously introductory courses on AI and on logic. This is my first semester teaching Structured Programming.

Convener + Lecturer: Dr Giuseppe M. J. Barca #

I am a Lecturer in the ANU School of Computing. You can call me Giuseppe (pronouns he/him). My research group focuses on devising new high-performance computing algorithms for the largest supercomputers on the planet! I am also convener and lecturer of the course of High-Performance Scientific Computation (COMP3320/6464), which I have been teaching for the last 3 years. This is my first time teaching Structured Programming and I am really excited to be affiliated with this course this semester.

Tutors #

Your tutors are experts and are here to help you. Make the most of this by attending and engaging in your scheduled labs or attending the scheduled drop-in sessions.

Consultation Hours #

There are 1:1 consultation sessions available online throughout the week. These 1:1 consultations occur 5 times a week starting in week 2 on the consultation channel. The times are the first hour of each lab, excluding the 8am labs and the Tue 10 AM and Wed 3 PM labs. They are available to anyone, regardless of when your lab time is.

The course tutors are as follows:

Ashleigh Johannes #

Hi, I’m Ash, I’m a Maths and Comp Sci major. I’m a dancer and artist that has recently discovered a love for programming (who knew!) and as an aspiring teacher I hope you can teach me just as much as I can teach you. This course is loads of fun, I hope you enjoy it!

John Kim #

Hello all! I’m John and currently in the second year of ANU Master of Computing. With a previous degree in mechanical engineering and control systems, I chose to study deeper in this field as I love to do programming. I did COMP6710 when it was in the first semester of my course. It was challenging to complete all tasks, but the fundamental skills I gained through this course helped me a lot when I study further during the course. I am very pleased to meet you all and start your journey together.

Tom Willingham #

G’day everyone! I’m Tom, and I’m in my fourth year of Advanced Computing. This semester will be my second time teaching this course, and I’m really looking forward to joining you all on this journey once more! I’ve done computing research in a lot of different areas - ranging from detecting disinformation on twitter with large scale machine learning models, through to finding ways to represent network protocols to enable very powerful computers to find vulnerabilities in them efficiently. So, if you have an interest area in computing, I’m probably keen to chat about it! Outside of computing, I play field hockey and quidditch, and I am a keen fan of Formula 1, Formula E, and most other open wheel motorsport :)

Haiqing Zhu #

Hi, I’m Haiqing. I am a fourth-year undergraduate student in Computer Science and Mathematics. Currently, I am working on projects in machine learning. Though I have taken this course couple of semesters ago, I could still recall the feeling when immersed in the programming works of this course. I hope the materials of this course could help your future studies and make you be in love with programming!

Leopold Zhou #

Hello World! I’m Leo. I’m currently studying computer science and management. When I was learning this course, I found it incredibly exciting. The Object-Oriented Paradigm makes programming with Java just like playing with LEGO pieces. I started from scratch and eventually got a satisfying outcome. You will too! Please make the most of us as your “Rubber Ducks” :)

Shantha Bhaskaran #

Hi everyone, my name is Shantha but feel free to call me Shan. I took this course as an elective all the way back in 2018 and loved it so much I picked up another degree to study computer science! I look forward to meeting all of you and I hope I can share my enthusiasm for Java, Object-Oriented Programming and everything else with you :)

Vikram Sondergaard #

Hi all! My name is Vikram (he/him) and I’m in my fifth year of a Computer Science and Languages degree. I’ve been teaching this course for almost three years, and am really excited to help a new crop of students with their Java and object-oriented design. When I started my degree, I had almost zero experience in programming. So if you’re also new to programming, don’t stress — this course will give you a strong foundational knowledge in programming, and you’ll develop some really exciting software in the process. I hope I can help you have an enjoyable and productive time in this course!

Rob McArthur #

Hey everyone! I’m Rob and I’m currently finishing up my fourth year at the ANU doing Advanced Computing. This will be my second time around tutoring this course. I had so much fun learning from this course back in 2019 so I’m really looking forward to being able to share that excitement again with you all! Beyond studying computer science, I really enjoy doing music, walking as well as playing board games! I hope you guys have as much fun in this course as I did and I look forward to meeting you!

Claire Huang #

Hey everyone! I’m Claire, you might remember me from 1100/1130 last semester. I’m in my second year of PhB, studying maths and computer science (ask me about memory management and garbage collection if you’re interested!). I took this course last year and thought it was pretty awesome, so I hope you learn heaps and enjoy it as much as I did. Outside of uni, I like to play basketball, hike, and read. I’m really looking forward to meeting and getting to know y’all this semester! :)

Llew Reilly #

Hi, I’m Llew and I am in my fourth year of an Engineering and Information Technology degree. While I’m not studying, I work as a comp sci tutor (COMP1110 and COMP2100) and manage the ANU Formula Sport team (where we design and manufacture F1 style cars). I took this course in 2019 and have found the concepts taught to very applicable to many different programming languages. I hope you all enjoy this course as much as I did!

Linda Kwan #

Hello, my name is Linda and I am a third-year student doing Advanced Computing. I took this course back in S2 2020 and found it a very enjoyable and valuable experience. I have learnt a lot about software development and Java (including the GUI toolkit JavaFX). I especially like the group assignment where we get to design and construct a board game using our programming skills and creative thinking. I have enjoyed tutoring this course in the previous year and I am looking forward to teaching you all this semester. Apart from programming, my hobbies are knitting, crocheting and road cycling.

Sander Curnow #

Hello everyone! My name is Sander, I’m in my second year, doing PhB, studying maths and computer science. I took this course last year, and my goal is for you to enjoy it even more than I did! Outside of school, I like to play rugby, listen to Swedish rap, and sleep! I can’t wait to meet you, and I’m beyond excited for the coming semester!

Peter Oslington #

Hi everyone, I’m Peter and I’m a third year computer science and physics student, as well as working in web development. I took the course last year and am keen to help everyone has as good a time as I did taking the course. Looking forward to seeing you all in labs this semester!

Ryan Wang #

Hey everyone! I am Ryan, a second year student in Computer Science and Maths. I took this course last year and especially enjoyed the group assignment, I hope you will enjoy it as well! Beyond studying, I play poker and just started playing (horribly) guitar, I also did some competitive programming and occasionally help out the Australian Maths Trust with teaching it to secondary students. Looking forward to meeting you all this semester!

Thomas Whitely #

Hi, I’m Thomas, and I’m in my third year studying math and computer science. I took this course in my first year, and found it very valuable. I really liked the emphasis on using real world tools to solve problems in software development, which has been very helpful for subsequent work I’ve done in this area. I’m really looking forward to meeting some of you, and hope that I can help you enjoy it as much as I did!

Your Peers #

Engage with your classmates and group members. Use the class forum. If you don’t understand something, ask others. Explaining something to one of your peers will help deepen your understanding.

Class Representatives #

Each School of Computing course has a class representative.

Class representatives are a great resource, but they are not a substitute for providing feedback to your lecturer. If you want to give feedback, whether it be positive or negative, your starting point should always be to give that feedback directly to your lecturer, either in person, or on the class forum, using anonymity if you don’t feel comfortable being identified. If for some reason you feel uncomfortable even with anonymous feedback, your class reps are able to pass on information on your behalf. If you feel that you can’t give feedback directly to the lecturer, you should let your course representative know why you feel that way.

If you are interested in becoming a class representative, please submit an expression of interest.

Your class representatives will be listed below. We have one for each course code, but feel free to contact whowever you are most comfortable approaching.

Judy Xie (COMP1110) #

Hi all! I’m Judy, from China. I’m a first year currently studying Computer Science and Mathematical Finance. Java is something new for me, but I hope we can get through it! Looking forward to be on this journey with you! :)

Alex Boxall (COMP1140) #

Hi everyone, I’m Alex! I’ve moved here from Hobart and am currently in my first year studying Advanced Computing (R&D). I really enjoy programming, and have experience in Java, so I’m happy to help out with any questions you may have. I also enjoy playing table tennis and I’m a member of ANU Solar Racing’s software team.”

Zihan Li (COMP6710) #

Hi everyone! I am a new learner of computer science, and I am currently in my first semester of Master of computing. As your classmate, I totally understand that COMP6710 is a challenging course especially for students without programming background. I wish I can support as much help as I can, so that everybody could have a great learning experience. Hope you all enjoy this tough but valuable and useful course.

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