Technology is designed for use by, for, and with humans for a variety of purposes, including productivity, learning, health, creativity, entertainment, and socialising. We design, implement, evaluate, and investigate new human-centred technologies and their impact on humans, societies, and environments. Our research applies interaction design, advanced computation, and mixed methods approaches to developing and analysing human-centric technologies, data, and processes. Our teaching portfolio includes sub-programs in Human-Centred and Creative Computing and courses in human-computer interaction, creative technologies, games and immersive environments, sound and music computing, and programming for art, graphics, interaction, and software engineering. We work closely with industry partners and cross-college collaborators in areas such as art and design, psychology, health and medicine, philosophy, law, and management. We also work across the University to address interdisciplinary challenges related to technology and ethics, environment, and inclusion. We are core partners in the cross-college work of ANU HMI (Humanising Machine Intelligence) and ANU ICEDS (Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions) and affiliates of the ANU Gender Institute.


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