Lab 5

Note: If you do not have time to finish all exercises (in particular, the programming problems) during the lab time, you should continue working on them later. You can do this at home (if you have a computer with python set up), in the CSIT lab rooms outside teaching hours, or on one of the computers available in the university libraries or other teaching spaces.

If you have any questions about or difficulties with any of the material covered in the course so far, ask your tutor for help during the lab.


The purpose of this week’s lab is to:

  • Review two of python’s built-in sequence types - strings and lists - and introduce the third built-in sequence type, tuples.
  • Contrast a reference to an object with a copy of an object, in the context of lists.

Sequence types: strings and lists#

Remember that:

  • str and list are sequence types.
  • A string (value of type str) can only contain characters, while a list can contain elements of any type - including a mix of elements of different types in the same list.
  • Strings are immutable, while list is a mutable type. (What does mutable mean? This is explained in Section Section 7.6 (pages 310 to 321) of Punch & Enbody’s book, and Chapter 10 in Downey’s book.)

Exercise 0#

Operations on python’s built-in sequence types are summarised in this section of the python library reference.

To remind yourself what you can do with a sequence, run the following in the python shell:

In [1]: aseq = "abcd"

In [2]: type(aseq)         # 1. what type of sequence is this?
Out [1]: ...

In [3]: aseq + aseq        # 2. concatenation
Out [1]: ...

In [4]: aseq * 4           # 3. repetition
Out [1]: ...

In [5]: aseq[0]            # 4. Indexing
Out [1]: ...

In [6]: type(aseq[0])
Out [1]: ...

In [7]: aseq[-2]
Out [1]: ...

In [8]: aseq[1:-2]         # 5. Slicing
Out [1]: ...

In [9]: aseq[1:2]          # 5b.
Out [1]: ...

In [10]: bseq = "abdc"

In [11]: aseq < bseq       # 6. Comparison
Out [1]: ...

In [12]: for elem in aseq:    # 7. Iteration, using a for loop.

In [13]: min(aseq)         # 8. built-in functions: min, max, sorted
Out [1]: ...

In [14]: max(aseq)
Out [1]: ...

In [15]: sorted(aseq)
Out [1]: ...

In [16]: aseq[-1] = 'z'     # 9. Element assignment

In [17]: aseq
Out [1]: ...

Next, try operations 1-9 above with a different sequence type, this time a list:

In [1]: aseq = [1,2,3,4]

In [2]: bseq = [1,3,2,4]

In [3]: type(aseq)        # 1. what type of sequence is this?
Out [1]: ...
                          # 2 - 9 as above

This experiment will show you some important differences, but also some similarities, between strings and lists:

  • Slicing a list returns a list (test 5b).
  • Strings are immutable, but lists are mutable (test 9).
  • Ordering comparisons are defined the same way for lists as for strings.

The built-in functions min and max and sorted are applicable to any sequence type (in fact, to any iterable type). Look them up using python’s help function. What happens if you apply them to an empty sequence?

Mutable objects and references#

In python, every value computed by the interpreter is an object. An object in python has:

  • An identity: This is a number assigned by the python interpreter when an object is created. You can access this number using the id function. Examining the identity of an object is typically not useful in the programs you write, but it will sometimes help you to understand what is happening.

  • Some attributes: This is information about the object. An attribute that every object has is a type, which tells us (and the python interpreter) what kind of object it is. Other attributes tell us something about the “content” of the object (for example, if the object is of type int, that is, an integer, what integer it is).

When we assign a value to variable, the variable name is associated with a reference to the object; that is, essentially, the objects identity. Several variables can refer to the same object.

A mutable object is one that can be modifed. This means that we can change the object’s attributes. The object’s identity remains unchanged.

Downey’s book describes mutable objects (specifically, lists) and aliasing (multiple names referring to the same object) in Chapter 10. Punch & Enbody’s book describes it in Section 7.6 (pages 310 to 321).

Exercise 1(a)#

The following code attempts to construct a table containing the first three rows of the periodic table. Run the following commands in the python shell:

In [1]: row1=["H","He"]
In [2]: row2=["Li","Be","B","C","N","O","F","Ar"]
In [3]: row3=["Na","Mg","Al","Si","P","S","Cl","Ne"]
In [4]: ptable=row1
In [5]: ptable.extend(row2)
In [6]: ptable.extend(row3)
  • What is the value of ptable now?
  • What is the value of row1 now? Is this what you expected?
  • Correct the error in row2 (Ar should be Ne) by executing a command of the form row2[?] = ?. (The question mark means it is for you to figure out what is the right index to change. You should not write a literal ?.) What happens to ptable as a result of this assignment?
  • Correct the error in row3 (Ne should be Ar) by executing a command of the form ptable[?] = ?. What happens to row3 as a result of this assignment?

To help explain what is happening, use the id function to see the identities of the objects referenced by each of the variables:

In [7]: id(row1)
Out [7]: ...
In [8]: id(row2)
Out [8]: ...
In [9]: id(row3)
Out [9]: ...
In [10]: id(ptable)
Out [10]: ...

You should find that row1 and ptable both reference the same object (a list), but that the contents of row2 and row3 were copied into ptable.

If you are uncertain about any of the above, ask your tutor. This may also be a good time to try stepping through and visualising the example using the on-line tool Copy the code you want to test into the text box and click the “Visualize Execution” button. Remember to make sure you have selected “Python 3.x” in the menu above where you enter the code.

Exercise 2(b)#

Now execute the following commands (make sure you redefine the rows):

In [1]: row1 = ["H","He"]
In [2]: row2 = ["Li","Be","B","C","N","O","F","Ar"]
In [3]: row3 = ["Na","Mg","Al","Si","P","S","Cl","Ne"]
In [4]: ptable = [row1]
In [5]: ptable.append(row2)
In [6]: ptable.append(row3)
  • What is the value of ptable now? How does this differ from what you had in Exercise 2(a)?
  • What is the value of row1 now? How does it differ from what you had in Exercise 2(a)?
  • To get the first element of the first row from ptable, you would use the expression ptable[0][0]. Write the expressions to get the sixth element from the second row (“O”) and the second element from the third row (“Mg”). Use only the ptable variable, not row2 or row3.
  • Correct the error in row 2 (Ar should be Ne) by executing a command of the form row2[?] = ?. Does this also change ptable?
  • Correct the error in row 3 (Ne should be Ar) by executing a command of the form ptable[?][?] = ?. Does this change row3?

Again, you can use the id function to see the identities of the objects involved (try both id(ptable) and id(ptable[0])). You should find that each element in ptable is a reference to one of the row lists.

Again, if you want to visualise what is going on, try

Shallow and deep copies#

In Exercise 1(a) you assigned ptable the list referenced by row1 via the statement ptable = row1. Subsequent operations showed that ptable and row1 referenced the same object (list). How do we actually make a copy of a list?

Exercise 1(c)#

Execute the following commands:

In [1]: row2=['Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ar']
In [2]: ptable1=["H","Xe",row2]
In [3]: ptable2=ptable1[:]
  • Is ptable1 a list, a list of lists or a mix of both? (Print it out!)
  • Correct element “Xe” in ptable2 to be “He”. Is the change propagated to ptable1?
  • Correct element “Ar” in ptable2 to be “Ne”. Is the change propagated to ptable1 and to row2?

You should find that after executing ptable2=ptable1[:] the first two elements of ptable2 are copies of those in ptable1 but the third element is a reference to row2. The effect of adding [:] to the ptable2=ptable1 assignment is to create a so-called shallow copy of ptable1.

Exercise 1(d)#

Execute the following commands

In [1]: row2=['Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ar']
In [2]: ptable1=["H","Xe",row2]
In [3]: import copy
In [4]: ptable2=copy.deepcopy(ptable1)
  • Now correct the “Ar” to “Ne” by assigning the right element of ptable2. Inspect to see whether the elements of ptable1 or row2 have changed. (You should find no changes.)

As mentioned in the lectures before the break, you should be very careful with deepcopy: it is much slower and consumes more memory than shallow copy; it may also cause problems with circular references (such as list containing a reference to itself). Any problems with shared references can always be avoided by thinking more carefully about how you have structured your code.

Introducing tuples#

As mentioned at the start of the lab, python has a third built-in sequence type, called tuple. Like a list, tuples can contain any type of value, including a mix of value types. The difference between type list and type tuple is that tuples are immutable.

To create a tuple, you only need to write its elements separated by commas:

In [1]: aseq = 1,2,3,4

In [2]: type(aseq)
Out [2]: ...

It is common practice to write a tuple in parentheses, like this:

In [1]: aseq = (1,2,3,4)

In [2]: type(aseq)
Out [2]: ...

and the python interpreter will usually print tuples enclosed in parentheses. However, remember that it is the comma that creates the tuple, not the parentheses! To see this, try the following:

In [1]: x = (1)

In [2]: type(x)
Out [2]: ...

In [3]: x = 1,

In [4]: type(x)
Out [4]: ...

There is one exception: To create an empty tuple (a tuple with length zero), you have to put a comma between nothing and nothing! Typing x = , does not work. Instead, use an empty pair of parentheses to create an empty tuple, like this: x = ().

Exercise 2#

Now, retry the tests you did in Exercise 0, with tuple values:

In [1]: aseq = (1,2,3,4)

In [2]: bseq = 1,3,2,4

In [3]: type(aseq)        # 1. what type of sequence is this?
Out [3]: ...
                          # 2 - 9 as before.

Element assignment (test 9) should give you an error, because the tuple is immutable.

Programming problems#

Note: We don’t expect everyone to finish all these problems during the lab time. If you do not have time to finish these programming problems in the lab, you should continue working on them later (at home, in the CSIT labs after teaching hours, or on one of the computers available in the university libraries or other teaching spaces).

From this point onwards you should do your programming in files, rather than the shell

Pop and slice#

The list method pop(position) removes the element in the given position from the list (read help(list.pop) or the on-line documentation).

(a) Write a function allbut(a_list, index), which takes as arguments a list and an index, and returns a new list with all elements of the argument list (in the order they were) except for the element at index. The argument list should not be modified by the function.


In [1]: my_list = [1,2,3,4]

In [2]: my_short_list = allbut(my_list, 2)

In [3]: print(my_short_list)
[1, 2, 4]

In [4]: print(my_list)
[1, 2, 3, 4]

(b) A slice expression, a_list[start:end], returns a new list with the elements from start to end - 1 of the list.

Write a function slice_in_place(a_list, start, end), which takes as arguments a list and two indices, and modifies the argument list so that it is equal to the result of the slice expression a_list[start:end]. The function should not return any value.


In [1]: my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]

In [2]: slice_in_place(my_list, 1, 3)

In [3]: print(my_list)
[2, 3]

Advanced: Make your slice_in_place function work with both positive and negative indices (like slicing does). Add default values for the start and end parameters such that the function behaves the same as the slicing expresssion when only one of the two parameters is given.

List shuffle#

Sorting a list puts the elements in order; shuffling it puts them in (more or less) disorder. The python module random implements a function called shuffle which randomly shuffles a list. Here, we will look at a deterministic (non-random) shuffle of a list. A “perfect shuffle” (also known by many other names) cuts the list in two parts, as evenly sized as possible, then interleaves the elements of the two parts to form the shuffled list.

(a) Write a function perfect_shuffle(a_list) which takes as argument a list and returns the perfect shuffle of the list. The function should not modify the argument list.


In [1]: my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

In [2]: my_shuffled_list = perfect_shuffle(my_list)

In [3]: print(my_shuffled_list)
[1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6]

In [4]: print(my_list)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

(b) Write a function perfect_shuffle_in_place(a_list) which takes as argument a list and performs the perfect shuffle on the list. The function should modify the list, and not return any value. After the function call, the argument list should have the same length and contain the same elements; only the order of them should change.


In [1]: my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

In [2]: perfect_shuffle_in_place(my_list)

In [3]: print(my_list)
[1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6]

Advanced: Write a program that repeatedly shuffles a list using this function and counts how many shuffles are done before the list becomes equal to the original list.

Ceasar cipher#

A Ceasar cipher is based on simply shifting the letters in the alphabet by a fixed amount. For example we might do the following:


So each ‘A’ in the message is replaced by a ‘D’, each ‘M’ by a ‘P’, and so on. That is, there is a shift of 3 letters. Note that the alphabet wraps around at the end: An ‘X’ (third from the end) is replaced by an ‘A’, etc.

(a) Write a function that takes two arguments, a string to encrypt and a shift value (an integer) to use for encrypting it, and returns the encrypted string. Apply the same shift to both lower and upper case letters. Do not alter the non-alphabetical characters (like space, comma etc).


  • Encrypting “Et tu, Brutus!” with a shift of 3 should return “Hw wx, Euxwxv!”.

    (Wikipedia has a long list of Latin phrases if you want to encrypt more examples in Latin.)

  • Encrypting “IBM” with a shift of -1 should return “HAL”.

To decrypt a string, you can call the same function with the negative of the shift that was used to encrypt it. Also note that the function is invariant of the shift modulo 26: that is, a shift of 29 is the same as a shift of 3 (3 == 29 % 26), and a shift of -1 is the same as a shift of 25 (25 == -1 % 26).

(b) To break the Caesar cipher you just need to guess the shift. Try the following three approaches:

  • There are only 25 possible different shifts to decrypt the code. Write a function that takes an encrypted string and prints out the first five or so words decrypted using successively larger shifts (up to 25). See if you can guess based on this which is the right shift value. (How many words do you need to check to tell the right shift value from the others?)

  • Repeat the above, but this time decrypt the entire message using increasing shift values. For each shift value search the decrypted message to find how many of the following 40 “common” three letter words exist:


    Return the shift value that gives the highest number of different three letter words. Does this automatic process succeed in breaking the cipher? (How did you deal with upper and lower case letters?)

  • Next, consider the occurrence of individual letters. The most common letter in English is “e”, which occurs nearly 13% of the time. For the encrypted text, determine the most frequently occurring letter, assume it should be an “e”, from this determine the shift, and decrypt the message. Does this automatic process correctly break the cipher? (Again - how did you deal with upper and lower case?)

Tests Here are some encrypted strings that you can try your decryption methods on:

  • '''Awnhu pk neoa wjz awnhu pk xaz Iwgao w iwj dawhpdu, xqp okyewhhu zawz''' (Note the use of triple quotes because the string contains a line break.)

  • '"Jcstghipcsxcv xh iwpi etctigpixcv fjpaxin du zcdlatsvt iwpi vgdlh ugdb iwtdgn, egprixrt, rdckxrixdc, phhtgixdc, tggdg pcs wjbxaxipixdc." (Gjat 7: Jht p rdadc puitg pc xcstetcstci rapjht id xcigdsjrt p axhi du epgixrjapgh, pc peedhxixkt, pc pbeaxuxrpixdc dg pc xaajhigpixkt fjdipixdc. Ugdb Higjcz & Lwxit, "Iwt Tatbtcih du Hinat".)' (Note that the string is enclosed in single quotes because it contains double quotes.)

  • "Cywo cmsoxdscdc gybu cy rkbn drobo sc xy dswo vopd pyb cobsyec drsxusxq. (kddbsledon dy Pbkxmsc Mbsmu)"

You should also make up your own tests (use the encryption function you wrote to encrypt sentences, then test if your cipher-breaking functions find the correct shift!)

Pig Latin#

Pig Latin is a game of alterations played on words. To translate an English word into Pig Latin, the initial consonant sound is transposed to the end of the word and an “ay” is affixed. Specifically, there are two rules:

  • If a word begins with a vowel, append “yay” to the end of the word.

  • If a word begins with a consonant, remove all the consonants from the beginning up to the first vowel and append them to the end of the word. Finally, append “ay” to the end of the word.

For example,

  • dog => ogday
  • scratch => atchscray
  • is => isyay
  • apple => appleyay

Write a function that takes one argument, a string, and returns a string with each word in the argument translated into Pig Latin.


  • The split method, when called with no additional arguments, breaks a string into words, and returns the words in a list.

  • Slicing is your friend: it can pick off the first character for checking, and you can slice off pieces of a string and use string concatenation (the + operator) to make a new word.

  • Making a string of vowels allows use of the in operator: vowels="aeiou" (how do you make this work with both upper and lower case?)

  • Test your function with a diverse range of examples. Your tests should cover all cases (for example, test words beginning with a vowel and words beginning with a consonant). Pay particular attention to edge cases (for example, what happens if the word consists of just one vowel, like “a”? what happens if the string is empty?).

bars search times arrow-up