General information#

  • Dr. Minh Bui is your lecturer in the 1st half of the semester.
  • Dr. Alberto F. Martin is your lecturer in the 2nd half of the semester.
  • Lectures twice a week: Monday, 1-2PM & Tuesday, 4-5PM.
  • All lectures take place in room 1.01 Barry Drive 7-11, O007 building.
  • Links to PDFs of the lecture slides and associated Python codes will be available (at the latest) after each lecture.
  • Livestream lectures and recordings available on echo360, see the link on Course Wattle page.
  • Ignore timetabling message that the lecture slot is full; just come to the lecture hall!


Links to slides will be available here and on Ed Lessons on the lecturing dates. Ed Lessons will additionally contain code demonstrated in lectures.

Week Date/Time Lecture Topic and Slides
1 22/07/24 1 Intro and admin matters
23/07/24 2 Functional abstraction
2 29/07/24 3 Data value, types and expressions
30/07/24 4 Functions
3 05/08/24 5 Branching (if statement)
06/08/24 6 Iterations (loop)
4 12/08/24 7 Sequence data
13/08/24 8 Code quality
5 19/08/24 9 Strings, slicing and other operations
20/08/24 10 Testing and debugging
6 26/08/24 11 More about lists
27/08/24 12 Data analysis and visualisation
Teaching break
7 16/09/24 13 Numpy arrays
17/09/24 14 Files and I/O
8 23/09/24 15 Dictionaries and sets
24/09/24 16 Advanced Functions
9 30/09/24 17 Computational complexity
01/10/24 18 Dynamic programming
10 07/10/24 - No Lecture: Labour day
08/10/24 19 Errors and exceptions
11 14/10/24 20 Modules and programs
15/10/24 21 Classes and object-based programming
12 21/10/24 22 Computational science
22/10/24 23 Exam revision

Find below some recommended readings if you want to come better prepared to the lectures and/or reinforce your understanding afterwards.

Week Recommended readings
1 Downey’s book, chapters 1-2. Sundnes’s book, Sects. 2.1-2.2 and 4.1-4.3, 4.5-4.7
2 Downey’s book, chapters 3. Sundnes’s book Sects. 2.1-2.2 and 4.1-4.3, 4.5-4.7
3 Downey’s book, chapters 5 and 7. Sundnes’s book, Sects. 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 4.4., 4.1 to 4.5
4 Downey’s book, chapter 8.
5 Downey’s book, chapter 8, 10, 11 and 12. Sundnes’s book, Section 3.3, 3.6, 7.1 and 7.4., 3.1, 5.1.0, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.3 and 5.5
6 Downey’s book, chapter 14., 6.0, 6.1, 7.2, 9.3
10 TBA
11 TBA
12 TBA
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