Assessment scheme#
Course assessment will be based on the following individual components (the link will appear at the latest on the release date):
Component/Link | Weight | Release date | Due date/Exam date |
Homework 1 | 3% | 29/07/2024 (Wk 2) | 04/08/2024, 23:55PM |
Homework 2 | 3% | 05/08/2024 (Wk 3) | 11/08/2024, 23:55PM |
Homework 3 | 3% | 19/08/2024 (Wk 5) | 25/08/2024, 23:55PM |
Homework 4 | 3% | 26/08/2024 (Wk 6) | 15/09/2024, 23:55PM |
Homework 5 | 3% | 16/09/2024 (Wk 7) | 29/09/2024, 23:55PM |
Project assignment | 35% | 23/09/2024 (Wk 8) | 13/10/2024, 23:55PM |
In-lab project assessment | Mandatory discussions with a tutor in week 11 following the due date. If absent, your project mark will be zero. | ||
Final Exam | 50% (hurdle, at least 15/50) | N/A | TBA |
- All these assessment items are individual; no group work is permitted. You must read and accept the Academic Integrity Rule 2021. Breaching the Rule will be noted on your ANU records and may have further consequences.
- Homework and project’s deadlines are hard. No submissions after deadline are allowed without prior approved extension.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We will be monitoring student engagement and participation in labs, as we consider them specially crucial for a satisfactory learning experience. See below for details.
Submission of homeworks and the project assignments must be done through EdLessons. We will NOT consider files sent via email or any other means. It is your responsibility to make sure that you know how to submit through EdLessons and that you correctly submit your work. You can submit as many times as you want before the deadline, but remember that we can only see the last submission that you made.
Variation for COMP6730 (master) students#
Students in the master-level course (COMP6730) will have to answer some different or extra questions in the final exam. They may also have an additional question to answer on the project assignment. These different/extra questions are intended to demonstrate a deeper conceptual and theoretical understanding.
Final mark#
Your final course mark is the sum of your marks on all assessment components. To pass COMP1730/6730 you must score at least 50 out of 100 marks. Final exam is a hurdle. You need to obtain at least 15 out of 50 to pass the exam.
A supplementary exam will be offered to those students who have a final mark of at least 45 out of 100, but less than 50 out of 100. This exam will normally take place in week 1 of the next semester. To pass the supplementary exam, you need to obtain at least 50% of this exam mark, regardless of your homework and project assignment marks.
Generally, there will be no scaling of individual assessment components (such as a single homework). However, final marks may be moderated in the examiners’ meeting and may be scaled as a result of this moderation.
Student engagement and participation#
We will be monitoring student engagement and participation in labs. This includes:
- Attendance to labs with appreciation of tutors on your participation and engagement.
- Submissions of weekly quizzes in EdLessons. Quizzes open Sunday prior to the lab, and close Sunday, 23:55PM of the week in which the lab takes place.
- EdLessons lab programming exercises submissions. Lab Programming exercises submissions open Sunday prior to the lab, and close Sunday, 23:55PM of the next week in which the lab takes place, i.e., you have a grace period of one week to finish the lab programming exercises.
Satisfactory participations may increase your final mark if it is close to the higher grade (e.g., 48-49 or 78-79). In particular, if your final mark is 2 marks away from the higher grade, then we will award +2 marks to your final course mark if at least 2 of the following criteria hold:
- Attended labs >= 8 (out of 10 from week 2 to 12, excluding week 11 which is mandatory for project oral assessment)
- Quiz questions on Ed Lessons completed correctly >= 80% across all quizzes.
- Ed Lessons programming exercises completed correctly >= 80% across all labs.
If your final mark is 1 mark away from the higher grade, we will award +1 mark to your final course mark if at least 2 of the following criteria hold:
- Attended labs >= 7 (out of 10 from week 2 to 12, excluding week 11 which is mandatory for project oral assessment)
- Quiz questions on Ed Lessons completed correctly >= 70% across all quizzes.
- Ed Lessons programming exercises completed correctly >= 70% across all labs.
In other cases your final mark will remain unchanged.
Marks appeal and correction#
We aim to return assessment marks within two to three semester weeks of the deadline (the due date for homework or the final lab group for project assignment). However, it is not always possible to achieve this aim due to a large student number.
We do not remark assignments or exam. What we will do is correct errors in marking. You must demonstrate that an error has occurred by explicitly stating:
- Which marking item do you think is wrong?
- What mark should it be changed to?
- And why?
And send these inquiries to the convener email.
Late submissions and extensions#
The homework and project assignments have a hard deadline. Submissions made after this deadline without an approved extension will receive zero marks.
Extensions can only be granted in unforeseeable circumstances beyond your control, and will require supporting documentation (e.g. serious illness supported by a medical certificate or an education access plan - EAP). Technical issues with computers, work or other extra-curricular commitments are not accepted.
If you want to apply for an extension, you must use the Extension App (with supporting evidence) before the deadline.
We cannot give an extension beyond a few days. If you believe you have grounds for a longer extension than that, you should fill an extenuating circumstances application instead.
Extenuating circumstances application#
If you are unable to attend a scheduled assessment (such as an exam) because of serious illness or other misfortune, you can fill an extenuating circumstances application. Also, if you have attended an assessment, but you think that due to some unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstances (such as serious illness or other misfortune) you were unable to do as well as you would have done under normal circumstances, then you can also fill such kind of application. The application form, along with detailed instructions (which you should read and understand before filling the form) are available at:
Education Access Plan#
If you have an education access plan (EAP), you may be granted extensions to homework/project assignments provided that this is stated in your EAP and you must notify the convener before the deadline.
If your EAP contains provisions for special exam arrangements (SEAs), we will adjust your final exam submission deadline on EdLessons accordingly. But it is your responsibility to check its correctness before the exam date and notify the convener in case of errors.
For more information, see
The homework and project assignments are individual. You must write your own submission, and you are expected to be able to explain every aspect of it.
Collaboration (including, of course, outright plagiarism), submitting solutions that you have found on the web, or enlisting others (including AI such as ChatGPT) to work for you on assignments, are all forms of cheating, and will be reported. If you are found to have cheated, this will be noted on your ANU records, your transcript in case of severe misconduct, or further action may be taken in line with the severity of the offense and ANU policy. In serious cases you may even have your enrollment at ANU terminated.
Make sure that you have read and understood the ANU policy on academic honesty and plagiarism.
If you are unsure about what is required of you with respect to academic honesty, please ask any of the course staff or send an e-mail to the course e-mail address. We would much rather discuss the matter with you prior to something occurring than have to resolve it through the academic misconduct process.
Each student in this course is expected to be able to explain and defend any submitted assessment item. Any submitted work may be subject to an additional oral examination, which may result in a change of mark, and, if there is a significant discrepancy between different forms of assessment (for example, homework and examinations, or submitted assignment and oral exam) this may be treated as a case of suspected academic misconduct.