Note that the schedule of lectures is tentative and may change, particularly with respect to guest lecturer availability.

Week 1 (22 - 26 July)#


  • Tuesday lecture: Introduction to the course and administrative matters (slides)
  • Wednesday lecture: Functional abstraction (slides)


Week 2 (29 July - 2 August)#


  • Tuesday lecture: Values, types and expressions (updated slides)
  • Wednesday lecture: Functions (slides)


Reading guide:

  • In Downey: Chapters 1, 2 and 3.
  • In Punch & Enbody: Chapter 1 (excluding 1.10) and the beginning of Chapter 6, up to (not including) 6.3.3.

Week 3 (5 - 9 August)#


  • Tuesday lecture: Program control flow, part 1: Branching (slides)
  • Wednesday lecture: Program control flow, part 2: Iteration (slides)


Reading guide:

  • In Downey: Chapter 5, Chapter 6 up to (not including) section “More Recursion”, and Chapter 7.
  • In Punch & Enbody: Chapter 2, except the parts about for loops (for example, section 2.2.13).

Week 4 (12 - 16 August)#

  • Tuesday lecture: Sequence data types, part 1 (slides).
  • Wednesday lecture: Code quality, testing and debugging (slides).


Reading guide:

Both books begin with strings as the first sequence type. We will get to strings in Week 5. However, parts of the relevant chapters describe properties of strings that are in fact common to all sequence types, and can be read without worrying about character representation.

  • In Downey: Chapter 8, up to (not including) section “String Methods”.
  • In Punch & Enbody: Section 4.1 (sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 are specific to strings, and will become relevant in Week 5).

Downey’s book has a section on debugging in every chapter. The advice in the debugging sections of chapters 1 through 8 is all relevant and useful to debugging the kinds of programs we have written so far.

Week 5 (19 - 23 August)#

  • Tuesday lecture: Strings (slides).
  • Wednesday lecture: Floating-point numbers (slides).


Reading guide:

Week 6 (26 - 30 August)#

  • Note: Saturday the 31st of August is the Census date.

  • Tuesday lecture: Data Science (slides).
  • Wednesday lecture: Extra lecture on debugging.


Reading guide:

  • There is no new recommended reading for this week.


Week 7 (16 - 20 September)#

  • Tuesday lecture: Sequence data types, part 2 (slides).
  • Wednesday lecture: Guest lecture by A/Prof. Rob Lanfear from the Research School of Biology (slides).

Reading guide:

  • In Downey: Chapter 10 (lists).
  • In Punch & Enbody: Chapter 7, except 7.7 (lists). Note: Sections 7.5.2 and 7.9 contain examples that use file reading, which we have not covered yet. You can skip these sections, or just just copy-paste the file-reading code and not worry too much about it.

Week 8 (23 - 27 September)#

  • Tuesday lecture: More about functions (slides).
  • Wednesday lecture: Files and I/O (slides).

Reading guide:

  • In Downey: Chapters 3, 5 and 6, and section “Global variables” in Chapter 11 (functions and scope). Chapter 14, up to section 14.4 “Catching Exceptions” (files), though the remainder of the chapter is useful reading if you want to do more complex file operations.
  • In Punch & Enbody: Chapter 6, up to (not including) section 6.3.4; Section 8.1; Section 9.6 (functions and scope). Chapter 5, up to (not including) section 5.6 (files).

Week 9 (30 September - 4 October)#

  • Tuesday lecture: Complexity (slides).
  • Wednesday lecture: Abstract data types, dictionaries and sets (slides).

Reading guide:

  • In Downey: Chapter 11 up to section “Memos” and section “Sets” in Chapter 19 (Chapter 19 is covers a variety of topics, some of which we have already touched on, and some which we will not cover in this course.) Chapter 21 (“Analysis of Algorithms”, called Appendix B in the on-line editition) introduces complexity analysis of algorithms.
  • In Punch & Enbody: Chapter 9 up to (not including) section 9.6 (dictionaries and sets).


Week 10 (7 - 11 October)#

  • Note: Monday the 7th is a public holiday.

  • Tuesday lecture: Exceptions (slides).
  • Wednesday lecture: Program control flow, part 3: Dynamic programming (slides).


Reading guide:

  • In Downey: Chapter 20 (called “Appendix A” in the on-line edition), and section “Catching Exceptions” in Chapter 14. Section “Memos” in Chapter 11 of Downey’s book briefly covers the idea behind dynamic programming (but considering only using a dictionary to store the intermediate results).
  • In Punch & Enbody: Section 5.6 and Sections 14.4 to 14.6 cover exceptions (with a focus on handling, unfortunately). This book does not mention dynamic programming.

Week 11 (14 - 18 October)#

  • Tuesday lecture: Modules and programs (slides).
  • Wednesday lecture: Computer architecture (slides).


Reading guide:

  • There is only a short section called “Writing Modules”, in Chapter 14, in Downey’s book.

Week 12 (21 - 25 October)#

  • Tuesday lecture: no lecture
  • Wednesday lecture: Exam revision (note: moved from Tuesday)
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