General information#

  • Dr. Minh Bui is your lecturer in the 1st half of the semester.
  • Dr. Alberto F. Martin is your lecturer in the 2nd half of the semester.
  • Lectures twice a week: Monday, 1-2PM & Tuesday, 4-5PM.
  • All lectures take place in room 1.01 Barry Drive 7-11, O007 building.
  • Links to PDFs of the lecture slides and associated Python codes will be available (at the latest) after each lecture.
  • Livestream lectures and recordings available on echo360, see the link on Course Wattle page.
  • Ignore timetabling message that the lecture slot is full; just come to the lecture hall!


Links to slides and code will be available on the lecturing dates.

Week Date/Time Lecture Topic and Slides 4-pages Code
1 22/07/24 1 Intro and admin matters TBA TBA
23/07/24 2 Functional abstraction TBA TBA
2 29/07/24 3 Data types TBA TBA
30/07/24 4 Functions TBA TBA
3 05/08/24 5 Control flow: branching TBA TBA
06/08/24 6 Control flow: iteration TBA TBA
4 12/08/24 7 Sequence data TBA TBA
13/08/24 8 Code quality TBA TBA
5 19/08/24 9 More sequence data TBA TBA
20/08/24 10 Testing and debugging TBA TBA
6 26/08/24 11 Advanced sequence data TBA TBA
27/08/24 12 Data analysis and visualisation TBA TBA
Teaching break
7 16/09/24 13 Numpy arrays TBA TBA
17/09/24 14 Files and I/O TBA TBA
8 23/09/24 15 Dictionaries and sets TBA TBA
24/09/24 16 Advanced Functions TBA TBA
9 30/09/24 17 Computational complexity TBA TBA
01/10/24 18 Dynamic programming TBA TBA
10 07/10/24 - No Lecture: Labour day - -
08/10/24 19 Errors and exceptions TBA TBA
11 14/10/24 20 Modules and programs TBA TBA
15/10/24 21 Classes and object-based programming TBA TBA
12 21/10/24 22 Computational science TBA TBA
22/10/24 23 Exam revision TBA TBA

Find below some recommended readings if you want to come better prepared to the lectures and/or reinforce your understanding afterwards.

Week Recommended readings
1 Downey’s book, chapters 1-2. Sundnes’s book, Sects. 2.1-2.2 and 4.1-4.3, 4.5-4.7
10 TBA
11 TBA
12 TBA
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