
In this week’s lab you will:

  1. Make design decisions for implementing new features to the QuAC CPU.
  2. Implement conditional execution of instructions based on the status of the flag register.
  3. Make the program counter a destination operand for instructions to automatically modify program (control) flow.


In preparation for this lab, you should make sure to have the working automatic CPU circuit, cpu.dig, and all of its sub-circuits from CPU, Part II.

This lab has no template files. You should continue from the previous lab’s circuit files.


Last week we constructed a fully automatic CPU that fetches instructions from memory and executes them. Our CPU can now load data words from memory into registers, perform simple arithmetic operations on the data words, and store data words to memory. Unfortunately, the programs we can write for our CPU are relatively simple and boring. Specifically, we lack a way to conditionally execute instructions based on the result of an earlier instruction. We also lack a way to write conditional statements: if/else statements, switch/case statements, and for/while loops.

So far, we have guided you with implementing specific instructions in the QuAC ISA. You will need to work out the design details for the remaining features in the base QuAC ISA on your own from now onward. There are multiple ways to approach the implementation of instructions and other elements in the ISA. As you make your decisions think about the advantages and disadvantages of competing approaches.

Keep notes on the design and implementation choices you make, as you will need these later when writing your assignment report.

We have been ignoring the four flags produced by the ALU: negative (N), zero (Z), carry (C), and overflow (V) since CPU, Part I. These flags are called condition flags or status flags. We will now use these flags to perform conditional execution. Each arithmetic instruction changes these flags based on the results of the ALU operation. The subsequent instructions can then execute conditionally, based on the status of the flags. In the QuAC specification, a special register called the flag register stores the four status flags.

Exercise 1: Flag Register#

We first add another register, the flag register, into which the flags are stored when an instruction is executed. The flag register should have the following properties:

  • The flag register may be read like any other register.
  • Writing to the flag register is undefined behaviour.
  • If any arithmetic/logic instruction (add, sub, and, xor) is executed, the flags are updated to the flags generated by the ALU.
  • If any non-ALU instruction (str, ldr, movl, seth) is executed, the flags should be left unchanged.
  • The register code for the flag register is 101, with mnemonic fl.
  • The flag register is 16 bits wide, and the flags are stored as follows.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Undefined V C N Z
  • Z - Zero flag
  • N - Negative flag
  • C - Carry flag
  • V - Overflow flag
  • Undefined - Reserved for future use

We update the table of register codes as follows:

Code Mnemonic Meaning Behaviour
000 rz Zero Register Always reads as zero, even after being written to.
001 r1 Register 1 General purpose register.
010 r2 Register 2 General purpose register.
011 r3 Register 3 General purpose register.
100 r4 Register 4 General purpose register.
101 fl Flag register Behaves as described above.
110 - Undefined Any operation with this register is undefined.
111 - Undefined Any operation with this register is undefined.

Now, you need to make suitable adjustments to the CPU microarchitecture yourself to implement the flag register and the associated behaviour.

In cpu.dig and control_unit.dig, make suitable changes to the CPU design and add a flag register, labelled fl, that satisfies the properties mentioned above.

You need to consider where to physically locate the flag register.

  • Option 1: Top-level schematic
    • If so, how do we read from it when executing an instruction?
  • Option 2: Inside the register file
    • If so, how does the ALU write to it after each instruction?
  • Option 3: Inside the ALU
    • In fact, do not do this! The ALU should purely be a combinational circuit.

You need to think and report how the choices above affect the implementation complexity.

You might need to make some changes to the register file to allow the ALU to write, and the CPU to read from the flag register.

Also, you likely need to add another 1-bit control signal (we suggest the name FLEN) that controls if the flag register is updated (written) for the currently executing instruction. Make the necessary changes to the control unit.

You should modify the control unit test cases to also test FLEN.

Exercise 2: Conditionally Execute on Zero#

Now that we have a register to store the flags in, we can modify our ISA to conditionally execute an instruction based on the status of the flag register.

We modify the instruction encoding, and define the eleventh bit to be the conditional cond bit.

Register Operands Format (R-Format)#

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
op cond rd 0 ra 0 rb

Immediate Format (I-Format)#

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
op cond rd imm8
  • If the cond bit in the instruction is zero, the instruction is executed as normal.
  • If the cond bit in the instruction is one, then:
    • If the Z flag in the flag register is one, then the instruction is executed as normal.
    • If the Z flag in the flag register is zero, then the instruction does nothing (no changes to the register file or memory).

All instructions can now execute conditionally, and an instruction is denoted as being conditional on the Z flag by appending z to the end of the name of the instruction. This suffix is handled by the assembler; your CPU only needs to worry about the cond bit in the resulting machine code.

Syntax Semantic Machine Code
I-Format Instructions
movl rd, imm8 rd ≔ #imm8 0000 <cond> <rd> <imm8>
R-Format Memory Instructions
str rd, [ra] [ra] ≔ rd 0100 <cond> <rd> 0 <ra> 0000
ldr rd, [ra] rd ≔ [ra] 0101 <cond> <rd> 0 <ra> 0000
R-Format ALU Instructions
add rd, ra, rb rd ≔ ra + rb 1000 <cond> <rd> 0 <ra> 0 <rb>
sub rd, ra, rb rd ≔ ra - rb 1001 <cond> <rd> 0 <ra> 0 <rb>
and rd, ra, rb rd ≔ ra & rb 1010 <cond> <rd> 0 <ra> 0 <rb>
xor rd, ra, rb rd ≔ ra ^ rb 1011 <cond> <rd> 0 <ra> 0 <rb>

All the above instructions may now have the suffix z added to indicate setting the cond bit to 1 in the machine code. E.g., add has cond == 0 and addz is add but with cond == 1.

In control_unit.dig, modify the control unit to implement conditional execution on the zero flag. The control unit will need to read the Z bit from the flag register as an additional input.

You may want to first add an additional control signal EXEC that is internal to the control unit, and indicates whether the current instruction should be executed or not. You can then use the value of EXEC to decide what should happen to the other control signals. As a bonus, you can also output EXEC from the control unit and add a status LED Components -> IO -> LED to keep track of the computer. Of course, you should test EXEC too.

Exercise 3: Modifying Program Flow#

As it stands, our computer is a little boring, as there’s no way to control the flow of the program. Our computer executes instruction sequentially (i.e., one after the other) until it runs out of instructions. To implement loops and make the computer perform different tasks based on the input, we need the ability to modify the program counter during execution. Doing so is called changing the program flow. Modifying the pc register makes the computer execute a different part of the program.

We would like the program counter to have the following behaviour:

  • The program counter is assigned register code 110 and mnemonic pc.
  • Reads and writes to the pc register are defined in the same way as for any other general purpose register.
  • The address of the current instruction to execute lives in the program counter.
  • If the current instruction (i.e., one about to be executed) does not overwrite the program counter, then the program counter is incremented (pc := pc+1) on the next clock cycle.

We modify the table of register codes to allow the program counter to be a valid source and destination operand for all instructions.

Code Mnemonic Meaning Behaviour
000 rz Zero Register Always reads as zero, even after being written to.
001 r1 Register 1 General purpose register.
010 r2 Register 2 General purpose register.
011 r3 Register 3 General purpose register.
100 r4 Register 4 General purpose register.
101 fl Flag register Behaves as described above.
110 pc Program counter Behaves as described above.
111 - Undefined Any operation with this register is undefined.

In cpu.dig, modify the CPU to allow all instructions to read and write to the pc.

If the current instruction executes conditionally, and has the pc as the destination register (addz pc, r2, r3), and the instruction do not execute, we still increment pc := pc+1 as normal. Can you see why this is the case?

Although the pc register is logically part of the register file, it is read and written on every cycle independent of the normal register file operation. A question arises if we should build pc as a standalone register or as part of the register file. Consider the pros and cons of both approaches in your implementation.

  • Option 1: pc inside the register file
    • How do we interface the pc register with memory for fetching instructions?
  • Option 2: pc outside the register file
    • How do instructions read from and write to the pc?
  • Option 3: pc is somewhere else
    • We leave this to your creativity!

Exercise 4: The seth Instruction#

There is one last instruction, namely seth, short for set high (byte), left to do to have the full functionality of the base ISA.

Syntax Meaning Machine Code
seth rd, imm8 See below 0001 <cond> <rd> <imm8>

This instruction can be used to move an 8-bit value into the most significant byte of a register, leaving the least significant byte unchanged.

For example, if r1 = 0x12 and we executed seth r1, 0x34, the result would be that r1 = 0x3412. Formally, seth rd, imm8 performs the operation rd := (#imm8 << 8) | (rd & 0xff).

In cpu.dig, modify the CPU to allow execution of the seth instruction.

Exercise 5: Using the assembler / debugger#

Now that we have all of our instructions implemented, we want to write some programs to make sure that our CPU is behaving as expected.

To accomplish this, we could create some memory files and write out the instruction encodings in hex for our cpu to execute, however that process is very time consuming, and there is a much quicker and better way.

Open up VSCode and open the lab-05 folder of the lab repo. Create a new file called main.quac.

Blank QuAC Program

We’ll start off by writing a basic program, one to perform 10 + 6.

We don’t have an “immediate add” in the base ISA, what does that mean for us when writing this program?

Have a look at the QuAC ISA instructions and see if you can write an assembly program that performs 10 + 6 and stores the result in R2.

Once you think you have your program done, we’ll need to set up Digital to allow remote connections. Follow the steps on the assembler page and come back once you are able to run the debugger.

Start a debugging session with your main.quac file and step through your 10 + 6 program, monitor the register values in VSCode, does it work?

To start a debugging session, you must have the correct FILENAME.quac file selected when you click debug (here main.quac). If you don’t then the debugger will just try to use whatever you have selected, which may not work.

With any luck your register view will look something like this (if it doesn’t, talk with your tutor and see if you can figure out where its gone wrong):

Register View

You can see where the debugger is up to from the little yellow indicator on the left, it sits on the next instruction to be executed. In the program above, that’s a NOP, what is a NOP actually doing behind the scenes?

Our program as it stands is a little boring, let’s get some loading and storing going on.

To do this, we need to learn a little about directives. For now, there is only really one that you need to know about:

.word 0x____ @ Allows you to specify a 16 bit number instead of an instruction in the program

With this, we can do a couple things:

  • Specify an instruction using hex instead of an instruction code (including new instructions that we haven’t defined in quac.json which you’ll see in the next exercise)
  • Specify a value we can load, modify and store back to

Copy the following code into your main.quac file (deleting the existing code)

1. MOVL R1, 10
2. MOVL R2, 6
3. ADD  R2, R1
4. MOVL R3, 4
5. .word 0xFFFF @ SUB R2, R3
6. NOP @ (catch so we don't fall off the edge of the program)
7. NOP @ (catch so we don't fall off the edge of the program)

Here is a converter to help you out:


Modify the 0xFFFF value so that the instruction in line 5 performs the SUB R2, R3 operation. Refer to the SUB full instruction definition for the machine code.

Again, if all went well then your register view should look like this after stepping through your program.

Register View

Now let’s get some loading and storing going on. Copy the following program into your main.quac file but make sure to replace line 5 with the correct instruction code that you calculated in the previous do block (deleting the existing code).

1. MOVL R1, 10
2. MOVL R2, 6
3. ADD  R2, R1
4. MOVL R3, 4
5. .word 0xFFFF @ SUB R2, R3
6. NOP @ Load the value at address R2 into R1
7. NOP @ Add R3 to the value loaded into R1
8. NOP @ Store the value in R1 at the address in R2
9. NOP @ Set R1 back to 0
10. NOP @ Load the value at address R2 into R1
11. NOP @ If all went well, then by this line R1 should be 46
12. NOP @ (catch so we don't fall off the edge of the program)
13. .word 42 @ Important! This MUST be at line 13 (address 12)

Replace the NOP instructions on lines 6 - 10 with what the comment says the line should be doing. Run your program through the debugger and see if R1 = 46 by line 11.

Exercise 6: Adding custom instructions#

For the final exercise, we’re going to add an extra instruction to your CPU. To do this, you’ll need to download the quac.json file, put it in your lab-05 folder and add it to gitlab, you can download it here.

There is already a good section about this on the assembler page, so go read that and come back once you have.

There seems like there is a lot going on there, but once you understand how it works it isn’t too difficult. For this exercise we are going to add a new pseudo-instruction1.

This pseudo-instruction is going to be called RESET, it will take in a register and set that registers value to 0. It will be a pseudo-instruction for MOVL RD, 0.

To start, we are going to take a copy of MOVL (imm) from quac.json and paste it at the bottom of the instructions object, just below JP.

Here is the MOVL (imm) definition for reference.

"MOVL (imm)": {
    "syntax": "MOVL? <RD:reg>, <IMM8:uint8>",
    "machine": "0000 C RD IMM8",
    "semantic": "RD := 0000 0000 IMM8",
    "description": "Zero extends IMM8 to a 16 bit value and stores it in RD",
    "pseudo": false,
    "class": "imm"

After pasting in this copy, the bottom of our quac.json file should look like this:

        "JP": {
            "syntax": "JP? <IMM8:uint8>",
            "machine": "0000 C 110 IMM8",
            "semantic": "PC := 0000 0000 IMM8",
            "description": "Jump to the given immediate value address. (alias for `MOVL PC, IMM8`)",
            "pseudo": true,
            "class": "imm"
        "MOVL (imm)": {
            "syntax": "MOVL? <RD:reg>, <IMM8:uint8>",
            "machine": "0000 C RD IMM8",
            "semantic": "RD := 0000 0000 IMM8",
            "description": "Zero extends IMM8 to a 16 bit value and stores it in RD",
            "pseudo": false,
            "class": "imm"

Note the , added after the } for the JP entry. If we are adding new entries to an object then we need to make sure we add a comma (,) to the previous entry, so it is clear that we are extending the object.

Now that we have that in, let’s break down the changes we are going to make line by line:


  • "MOVL (imm)" is the name for our instruction, let’s change that to: "RESET"


  • "syntax": "MOVL? <RD:reg>, <IMM8:uint8>" is the syntax for our instruction, a better breakdown for this is here, but for our purposes, we want to change the line to:
    • "syntax": "RESET? <RD:reg>", where:
      • RESET - the text for our instruction
      • ? - we want our instruction to include a bit that indicates if we want the instruction to run conditionally on the zero flag
      • <RD:reg> - we are specifying the register that we want to reset as part of the instruction


  • "machine": "0000 C RD IMM8" is what the machine code is going to look like for our instruction, we want to change this line to:
    • "machine": "0000 C RD 0000 0000", where:
      • 0000 - is the OP Code for our instruction (the same as MOVL (imm))
      • C is our condition flag indicator for zero
      • RD is the 3 bit code for RD
      • 0000 0000 is the 8 bit immediate value for 0


  • "semantic": "RD := 0000 0000 IMM8" is what our instruction actually does, we want to change the line to:
    • "semantic": "RD := 0000 0000 0000 0000", where
      • RD is the destination register\
      • := is the assignment operator, in other words the value of RD is going to be …
      • 0000 0000 0000 0000 the 16 bit value for 0


  • "description": "Zero extends IMM8 to a 16 bit value and stores it in RD", is what our instruction actually does in a sentence, we want to change this to:
    • "description": "Sets RD to 0" or something similar


  • "pseudo": false tells us that the instruction is not a pseudo instruction, because the one we are creating is a pseudo instruction, we change this to true


  • "class": "imm" generally tells us what kind of instruction this is, here imm means immediate, which is the same as our new instruction, so we can leave this as is.

This leaves us with the following entry in quac.json:

"RESET": {
    "syntax": "RESET? <RD:reg>",
    "machine": "0000 C RD 0000 0000",
    "semantic": "RD := 0000 0000 0000 0000",
    "description": "Sets RD to 0",
    "pseudo": true,
    "class": "imm"

We can test that our change has worked by changing line 9 of our assembly program from the previous exercise to:


Create another custom instruction called DOUBLE which doubles a register value.


We hope the last three weeks were fulfilling for you and that you learned a lot. If you have made it through all this, you now have a working CPU that satisfies the QuAC ISA for the assignment.

Now is a good time to document your design decisions to implement all the instructions. Note that you will need to recall all these details when writing the report for the assignment.

You have been pushing your work to GitLab, right?

  1. An instruction that can be synthesised from existing instruction(s) 

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