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Mark average (arithmetic mean) by degree

  Programs Size Average Mark (out of 100)

(For privacy reasons only programs with at least three enrolled students are listed)


Before examiners' conferences and without deferred assessments or supplementary examinations.


Philosophy (Honours)

< 10 89.4 High Distinction

Advanced Computing (R & D)

< 10 70.4 Distinction
  Science < 10 68.9  
  FDD Engineering / Advanced Computing 45 64.0  
  Course average 232 64.5  
  Software Engineering 51 63.4 Credit

FDD Arts, Social Sciences, Business & Science

10 58.1  

Information Technology

23 56.0  
  Advanced Computing 127 55.9 Pass


Programs in the course with less than three students enrolled:


Advanced Computing / Science

Computing (Master)

Finance / Science

Science (Advanced) (Honours)





100% of the final mark - Average mark: 64.5 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Final Exam

50% of the final mark - Average mark: 60.5 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 2

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 57.2 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 1

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 66.4 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.

Mid-Semester Exam

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 57.8 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


2019 Statistics

Mark average (arithmetic mean) by degree

  Programs Size Average Mark (out of 100)

(For privacy reasons only programs with at least three enrolled students are listed)


Before examiners' conferences and without deferred assessments or supplementary examinations.

  Advanced Computing (R & D) < 10 87.5 High Distinction
  FDD Engineering / Advanced Computing 47 66.3  
  FDD Arts, Social Sciences, Business & Science 10 66.1
  Science < 10 65.0  
  Course average 244 62.3  
  Software Engineering 45 62.0  
  Advanced Computing 126 61.1 Credit
  Computing (Master) < 10 58.3  
  Information Technology 38 55.8 Pass


Programs in the course with less than three students enrolled:




Science (Advanced) (Honours)




100% of the final mark - Average mark: 62.3 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Final Exam

50% of the final mark - Average mark: 56.7 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 2

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 59.9 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 1

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 71.5 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Mid-Semester Exam

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 55.3 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


2018 Statistics

Mark average (arithmetic mean) by degree

  Programs Size Average Mark (out of 100)

(For privacy reasons only programs with at least three enrolled students are listed)


Before examiners' conferences and without deferred assessments or supplementary examinations.

  Philosophy (Honours) < 10 82.1 High Distinction
  Advanced Computing (R & D) < 10 72.8 Distinction
  FDD Engineering / Advanced Computing 37 68.3  
  Computing (Master) < 10 65.2  
  Course average 228 61.7  
  Advanced Computing 93 60.6 Credit
  Science < 10 58.2  
  Software Engineering 38 57.1  
  FDD Arts, Social Sciences, Business & Science < 10 55.5 Pass
  Information Technology 26 48.7 Fail


Programs in the course with less than three students enrolled:



Non-Award - Exchange Student
Science (Advanced) (Honours)




100% of the final mark - Average mark: 61.7 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Final Exam

50% of the final mark - Average mark: 59.9 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 2

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 59.2 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 1

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 68.7 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Mid-Semester Exam

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 61.4 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


2017 Statistics


Mark average (arithmetic mean) by degree

  Programs Size Average Mark (out of 100)

(For privacy reasons only programs with at least three enrolled students are listed)


Before examiners' conferences and without deferred assessments or supplementary examinations.

        High Distinction
  Advanced Computing (R & D) < 10 64.9  
  FDD Engineering / Advanced Computing 27 62.0 Credit
  Computing (Master) < 10 61.3  
  Course average 183 58.9  
  Science 10 58.5  
  Advanced Computing 56 55.2  
  Software Engineering 36 54.6  
  Science (Advanced) (Honours) < 10 50.3 Pass
  FDD Arts, Social Sciences, Business & Science 14 49.3 Fail
  Information Technology 23 48.5  


Programs in the course with less than three students enrolled:


Arts / Science

Engineering / Information Technology


Non-Award - Exchange Student
Philosophy (Honours)




100% of the final mark - Average mark: 58.9 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.

Final Exam

50% of the final mark - Average mark: 57.3 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 2

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 58.6 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over ten marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 1

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 71.3 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Mid-Semester Exam

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 54.6 (arithmetic mean)
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


2016 Statistics


Mark average (arithmetic mean) by degree

  Programs Size Average Mark (out of 100)

(For privacy reasons only programs with at least three enrolled students are listed)


Before examiners' conferences and without deferred assessments or supplementary examinations.

  Advanced Computing (R & D) < 10 85.9 High Distinction
  FDD Arts, Social Sciences, Business & Science < 10 78.2  
  Computing (Master) < 10


  FDD Engineering / Advanced Computing 21 70.1 Distinction
  Course average 120 69.2  
  Science < 10 63.4  
  Advanced Computing 31 62.7  
  Software Engineering 26 61.1 Credit
  Information Technology 14 52.2 Pass


Programs in the course with less than three students enrolled:


Information Technology (Master)

Non-Award - Exchange Student

Philosophy (Honours)


Science (Advanced) (Honours)

Arts / Information Technology




100% of the final mark - Average mark: 69.2
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


FInal Exam

55% of the final mark - Average mark: 66.3
Bars accumulate over ten marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 2

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 63.0
Bars accumulate over ten marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 1

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 73.3
Bars accumulate over ten marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Mid-Semester Exam

10% of the final mark - Average mark: 67.0
Bars accumulate over ten marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.



2015 Statistics


Mark average (arithmetic mean) by degree

  Programs Size Average Mark (out of 100)

(For privacy reasons only programs with at least three enrolled students are listed)


Based on
Mid-Semester Exam & Assignments & Final Exam

  Advanced Computing (R & D) < 10 94.0 High Distinction
  FDD Engineering / Advanced Computing 11 73.5 Distinction
  Science < 10 66.8  
  Course average 110 62.7  
  Advanced Computing 33 60.7 Credit
  Software Engineering 19 59.2 Pass
  Information Technology 13 47.7 Fail


Bachelor programs in the course with less than three students enrolled:


Advanced Computing / Science

Advanced Computing (R & D) / Science

Arts / Information Technology

Commerce / Information Technology

Computing (Master)

Engineering / Information Technology

Information Technology (Master)

Non-Award - Exchange Student

Non-Award - Study Abroad

Philosophy (Honours)

Science (Advanced) (Honours)

Science / Economics

Software Engineering / Commerce




100% of the final mark - Average mark: 62.7
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 2

15% of the final mark - Average mark: 64.0
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Mid-Semester Exam

10% of the final mark - Average mark: 61.4
Bars accumulate over ten marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Assignment 1

20% of the final mark - Average mark: 70.6
Bars accumulate over five marks. Special considerations adjustments and special exams are not reflected in this raw data graph.


Updated:   Friday 27 November, 2020 13:37 / Responsible Officer:   JavaScript must be enabled to display this email address. / Page Contact:   Course Webmaster