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Learning Expectations

Please read this sheetpdf document to find the Research School of Computer Science's expectation about your learning.

Academic Integrity

Start with the general ANU policies on academic honesty and plagiarism.

How those policies relate concretely to your courses in computer science, and specifically to the course at hand:

All your individually submitted work is by default assumed to be entirely your own work. Besides obviously forbidding any direct copies, it also implies that no part of your submission is inspired by, based on or a re-formulated work from somebody else. Re-formulating the work of somebody else is actually making matters worse, as it adds clear intent to deceive to the already existing plagiarism.

Still you sometimes will have been inspired by another work or for instance by a classmate. If this is the case, your obligation is to clearly indicate this in your submission. Obviously you will not receive the highest mark, if all of your work is the idea of your neighbour, yet by indicating all ownerships and sources clearly, you will stay on the clean and safe side. Failure to indicate all of your inspirations, sources, or collaboration partners will be regarded as an intend to deceive.

This course does allow for collaboration if properly indicated in the submission and some additional rules are followed:

  • The writing of code and documentation which you intended to submit must always be done entirely by you.
  • You may exchange ideas on scrap paper, boards and alike, but you may not work together on shared documents which are intended for submission. You may not use any of the scrap documents for your final submission – make sure that they stay in the meeting place, and did not find their way into your pocket.
  • You may not collaborate or communicate with other students about the submission right before you start writing your submission documents. After you discussed ideas with anybody else, you need to wait for at least six hours before you start writing your own submission. This implies that you need to plan your work and discuss your concepts (if you choose to do so) well ahead in time .

Detection is very likely (even though it might not always appear so from an individual perspective), the consequences of plagiarism are harsh and brutal for the individual and none of us enjoy being a part of it. Please help to make this a clean course which focuses entirely on the learning process and not on policing.

A student in this course is expected to be able to explain and defend any submitted assessment item. The course convener can conduct or initiate an additional interview about any submitted assessment item for any student. If there is a significant discrepancy between the two forms of assessment, it will be automatically treated as a case of suspected academic misconduct.

Late policy

The policy for this course is basically: tell us well in advance (with a reason) or don't be late. If you see that a deadline will pose a problem for you then just contact us, otherwise: just plan to submit everything a day or two in advance and you will be fine. All requests which are supported by a reasonable reason for the delay are granted an extension without any mark reduction.

Appealing marks

You have two weeks after a mark has been released to appeal the decision if you believe there has been a mistake.

Updated:   Wednesday 11 January, 2012 12:25 / Responsible Officer:   JavaScript must be enabled to display this email address. / Page Contact:   Course Webmaster