Staring at the Night Sky

Research state-of-the-art algorithms in statistical machine learning and computer vision, and develop a computer vision system that can classify images of the sky.

Picture of Charles Gretton

15 Nov 2024


- Tony Travouillon (Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics)

- Charles Gretton (School of Computing)

Some years ago, All-Sky-Cameras were deployed at all Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) candidate sites. The images gathered by these cameras were used to assess the cloud statistics for each site. The effectiveness of this process relied on a huge amount of human effort. Your project is to develop a computer vision system that can automate this analysis, and that can be deployed in night-to-night observation planning at sites around the world.


Warren Skidmore, Matthias Schöck, Eugene Magnier, David Walker, Dan Feldman, Reed Riddle, Sebastian Els, Tony Travouillon, Edison Bustos, Juan Seguel, Joselino Vasquez, Robert Blum, Paul Gillett, Brooke Gregory. Using All Sky Cameras to determine cloud statistics for the Thirty Meter Telescope candidate sites. Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes II. International Society for Optics and Photonics. 2008.

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