The techniques we use for modelling, analysing and verifying routing and communication protocols are based on the simple programming language AWN, which offers expressions for (arbitrary) data structures and basic primitives, such as broadcast and unicast.
The intention is to use this language right from the beginning when designing protocols; but this can only be achieved if tools support the development. In the past we have developed several tools for analysing these protocols. These include the support of model checkers such as Uppaal, and interactive theorem provers such as Isabelle/HOL.
The task of the project is the development of a user-friendly IDE for the language AWN. The editor should support syntax-highlighting as well as simple type checks. It could, for example, be based on the freely available editors such as JEdit or VSCode. Last but not least the developed editor should be linked to the developed tools, mentioned above. Another feature the editor should support is its extensionality, that means in case we develop further tools it should be easy (and modular) to link them to the editor.
Please note that this project is not a research project, but concerns software engineering. It should not consist of an Eclipse plug-in.
Assumed Knowledge: The ideal applicant should have experience in programming, preferable using Scala or Java; knowledge about model checking, interactive theorem proving and mesh networks is not required and will be explained when needed.