SAPLING was created as the Sydney Area Programming Languages INterest Group, aiming to promote and develop research in the Programming Languages field within the Sydney area, including nearby regional centres such as Canberra, Newcastle, Wollongong and Wellington (!). We now aim to do the same for wider Australian and New Zealand PL community. We organise regular meetings of programming language academics, researchers and students to allow research at all stages to be presented and discussed in an informal setting.




SAPLING meetings allow programming language academics, researchers, industry practitioners and students to present and discuss their research and experiences in an informal setting.

SAPLING 2023 was held at Google Sydney on December 1. See the schedule here!

Previous meetings were held at Macquarie University (2017, 2013, 2007), Australian National University (2016, 2012, 2007), The University of Sydney (2019, 2015, 2009), Oracle Labs, Brisbane (2014), University of Technology, Sydney (2011), University of New South Wales (2010, 2006), and Victoria University of Wellington (2018).

SAPLING talks are generally of 20 minutes duration with substantial periods of time available for discussion. Talks can present completed work, outline work in progress, demonstrate a system, or provide a short tutorial on a topic of general interest.

As far as possible, selection of presenters is non-competitive, with all interested qualified speakers given an opportunity to talk, within the time constraints of a one day meeting. Preference will be given to topics of general interest.

No proceedings will be published but the talk abstracts and links to related material will be published on the SAPLING website. There is no registration fee to attend this meeting. Unless otherwise noted, participants will be responsible for their own lunch costs.

Mailing list

To receive SAPLING announcements, please join the (new) mailing list.

Steering Committee