December 6, 2018 (as part APLAS week 2018)

School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington

Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Oracle The Australian National University


9:00Portable Memory Management Toolkit in Rust, Zixian Cai, Brenda Wang, Pavel Zakopaylo (Australian National University) abstract
9:30Understanding & Analysing the G1 Family of Garbage Collectors, Wenyu Zhao (Australian National University) abstract
10:00Using Program Analysis for Detecting Denial of Service (DoS) Vulnerabilities in Java Code, Shawn Rasheed (Massey University) and Jens Dietrich (Victoria University of Wellington) abstract
10:30Morning tea/coffee
11:00(Keynote) On the Architecture of a (Verifying) Compiler, David Pearce (Victoria University of Wellington) abstract slides
13:30(Keynote) The DaCapo Benchmark Suite: A Methodological, Engineering, and Social Journey, Steve Blackburn (Australian National University) abstract
14:30What Programming Languages Do Developers Use? A Theory of Static vs Dynamic Language Choice, Aaron Pang, Craig Anslow and James Noble (Victoria University of Wellington) abstract slides
15:00Afternoon Tea/Coffee
15:30Construction of Control Flow Graphs for Binary Programs, Dominik Klumpp (University of Augsburg, the Technical University Munich and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich), Franck Cassez (Macquarie University) abstract
16:00Use of LINQ queries in C#, Erin Greenwood-Thessman, Michael Homer and James Noble (Victoria University of Wellington) abstract
16:30The Bounded Lattice Type System, Robert Smart abstract slides
17:00Nested Trait Composition for Modular Software Development, Marco Servetto (Victoria University of Wellington) abstract slides
17:30Declarative Specification of Indentation Rules: A Tooling Perspective on Parsing and Pretty-Printing Layout-Sensitive Languages, Luís Eduardo de Souza Amorim (TU Delft) abstract