9:25-16:45, November 19, 2010

Seminar Room (#113), Level 1, Building K17

University of New South Wales


9:25-9:30Welcome and Introduction
9:30-10:00Ben Lippmeier, University of New South Wales, Head Lazy, but Shapely, and Deeply Mutable abstract slides
10:00-10:30S. M. Farhad and Bernhard Scholz, University of Sydney, Minimizing stream communication via graph transformation abstract slides
11:00-11:30Surinder Jain, University of Sydney, Detecting buffer overflows for C like programs using CLP abstract slides
11:30-12:30Dominic R Verity, Macquarie University, Monads, Arrows, Traces and other Categorical Amusements (Tutorial) abstract
14:00-14:30Matthew Roberts, Macquarie University, Typed lisp-like operations for generic programming abstract slides
14:30-15:00Jose Alberto Vergara Medina, University of Technology, Sydney, Type inference with constraints for the Static Pattern Calculus abstract slides
15:30-16:00Trevor L. McDonell, University of New South Wales, Programming Multicore GPUs in Haskell abstract slides
16:00-16:30Vitaly Nikolyenko, University of Sydney, Synthesis of Software Kernels in Hardware abstract slides
16:30-16:45Conclusion and Wrap-up