9:30am-16:30pm, October 2, 2009

School of IT Lecture Theatre, School of Information Technology, University of Sydney


9:30Welcome and Introduction
9:30-10:10Yi Lu and John Potter, University of New South Wales, Ownership Types After Ten Years abstract slides
10:10-10:30Manuel Chakravarty, University of New South Wales, Accelerated Array Computations in Haskell abstract slides
10:30-10:50Raymes Khoury, Bernhard Scholz and Bernd Burgstaller, University of Sydney, Accelerating the Execution of Matrix Languages with the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture abstract slides
11:20-11:40Barry Jay and Thomas Given-Wilson, University of Technology, Sydney, A Combinatory Account of Internal Structure abstract slides
11:40-12:00Tony Sloane, Macquarie University, Lightweight domain-specific language processing in Kiama abstract slides
12:30-12:50Open Slot
12:50-13:10Trevor McDonell, University of New South Wales, Accelerated protein matching using modern graphics processing units abstract slides
14:30-14:50Sardar Mohammad Farhad, University of Sydney, Static Translation of Stream Programs abstract slides
14:50-15:10Roman Leshchinskiy, University of New South Wales, Generics in Data Parallel Haskell abstract slides
15:40-16:00Ben Lippmeier, Australian National University, Witnessing Purity, Constancy and Mutability abstract slides
16:00-16:20Surinder Jain, University of Sydney, Symbolic Analysis for Buffer Overflow abstract slides