Under Construction
This page is currently being updated for Semester 1, 2025 and the information present may change or be outdated. Keep checking back regularly to see the most up to date information.
Labs for COMP2300/6300/ENGN2219 will be conducted in-person.
You must sign up to a lab in this course, please see the MyTimeTable website for details.
For more questions about labs, see the FAQ.
Remote students, please see the info on online labs
Labs take place at CSIT Building 108 and Hanna Neumann Building 145.
You can check out our lab timeslots here.
Day | Time | Location | ID | Tutors |
Tue | 6pm-8pm | CSIT N115/6 | 09 | Alex, Nicholas |
Wed | 12pm-2pm | CSIT N115/6 | 02 | Jasper, Sophie |
Wed | 12pm-2pm | HN 1.24 | 071 | Adnan, Itay |
Wed | 6pm-8pm | CSIT N115/6 | 05 | Lavender, Sophie |
Thu | 8am-10am | HN 1.23 | 12 | Anson, Jasper |
Thu | 8am-10am | HN 1.24 | 13 | Nicholas, Itay |
Thu | 4pm-6pm | HN 1.24 | 041 | Kayleigh, Kshama |
Thu | 6pm-8pm | CSIT N115/6 | 01 | Eden, Jon |
Fri | 1pm-3pm | HN 1.24 | 031 | Alex, Kayleigh |
Fri | 6pm-8pm | HN 1.24 | 11 | Lavender, Eden |
Fri | 6pm-8pm | CSIT N115/6 | 08 | Adnan, Anson |
Lab Pages#
The labs are mostly self-directed, but include times for you to work with your classmates and tutors.
Lab 1: Introduction
Lab 2: Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
Lab 3: State and Registers
Lab 4: CPU, Part I: Manual Execution
Lab 5: CPU, Part II: Automatic Execution
Lab 6: CPU, Part III: Conditional Execution
Upgrade the CPU to allow for conditional execution and modifying program flow
Lab 6.5 (Mid Semester Break Week 2): Microbit Introduction
Set up required software and get started with your microbit
Lab 7: Basic Machine Code
Writing basic ARM programs
Lab 8: Blinky
Using the load-twiddle-store pattern to turn on and blink the lights on your microbit
Lab 9: Functions, Data Structures and The Stack
Branching with purpose
Lab 10 & 11: Buttons, Interrupts and Wrapping Up
Taking input from the world (finally!), Reaffirming what you've learnt so far and getting you ready for assignment 2
(OPTIONAL) Lab 12: Extension Tasks
Extra lab content for those who want a challenge
Contacting your tutors#
See the faq.