Labs for COMP2300/6300/ENGN2219 will be conducted in-person.

You must sign up to a lab in this course, please see the MyTimeTable website for details.

For more questions about labs, see the FAQ.

Remote students, please see the info on online labs

Labs take place at CSIT Building 108 and Hanna Neumann Building 145.


You can check out our lab timeslots here.

Day Time Location ID Tutors
Tue 6pm-8pm CSIT N115/6 09 Alex, Nicholas
Wed 12pm-2pm CSIT N115/6 02 Jasper, Sophie
Wed 12pm-2pm HN 1.24 071 Adnan, Itay
Wed 6pm-8pm CSIT N115/6 05 Lavender, Sophie
Thu 8am-10am HN 1.23 12 Anson, Jasper
Thu 8am-10am HN 1.24 13 Nicholas, Itay
Thu 4pm-6pm HN 1.24 041 Kayleigh, Kshama
Thu 6pm-8pm CSIT N115/6 01 Eden, Jon
Fri 1pm-3pm HN 1.24 031 Alex, Kayleigh
Fri 6pm-8pm HN 1.24 11 Lavender, Eden
Fri 6pm-8pm CSIT N115/6 08 Adnan, Anson

Lab Pages#

The labs are mostly self-directed, but include times for you to work with your classmates and tutors.

Contacting your tutors#

See the faq.

  1. This lab is for students enrolled in ENGN2219  2 3

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