This page is transitioning from the previous semester and some details haven't been updated yet or are still in flux#

How do I get the lecture code?#

See the how-to video ‘Clone the lecture code’.

How do I fork the assignments, labs, and homework?#

See lab 1 and the first lecture.

How do I get updates made by the lecturer, such as corrections to labs?#

  • For updates to the lecture code, your version is just a clone, so you can simply pull the latest update.
  • For updates to the other projects, you have a fork so you need to do what’s called an upstream pull.

Please read the upstream pull guide on this website.

How do I throw away changes I made locally (but didn’t commit)?#

How do I throw away a commit I did locally (but haven’t pushed)?#

How do I throw away my local clone of a repo?#

See the how-to video ‘Re-cloning a repo’.

How do I throw away my fork of a repo?#

See the how-to video ‘Re-forking a repo’.

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