Call for Presentations

SAPLING talks are generally of 20 minutes duration with substantial periods of time available for discussion. Talks can present completed work, outline work in progress, demonstrate a system, or provide a short tutorial on a topic of general interest.

As far as possible, selection of presenters is non-competitive, with all interested qualified speakers given an opportunity to talk, within the time constraints of a one day meeting. Preference will be given to topics of general interest.

No proceedings will be published but the talk abstracts and links to related material will be published on the SAPLING website.

To register your interest in giving a presentation, please fill out the expression-of-interest form and indicate details about your presentation.

Presentation allocations will be decided and notified separately from registrations, in early November.

The deadline to register interest in presenting at SAPLING while participating in the general selection of presenters is November 1, 2023. Any leftover presentation slots will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis.


SAPLING 2023 happened as a full-day in-person event on December 1st, 2023, at Google Sydney.


09:4010:00Nick Webster (VUW)(Don't Fear) The Object A B S
10:0010:20Pengbo Yan (UniMelb)Formally Verifying the Obliviousness of Probabilistic Algorithms A B S
10:2010:40Yanqi Su (ANU)Constructing a System Knowledge Graph of User Tasks and Failures from Bug Reports to Support Soap Opera Testing A B S
10:4011:00Francois Gauthier (Oracle Labs)Runtime and Software Supply Chain Security Research at Oracle Labs A B S
11:1011:30Sameer Ali (ANU)Applications of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in e-Voting Systems A B
11:3011:50Zixian Cai (ANU)Trashy Inflation: How Garbage Collectors Are Getting Worse, and How We Can Fix It A B S
11:5012:10Kunal Sareen (ANU)Lower Bound Overheads of Android Garbage Collection S
12:1012:30Marie EfstathiouGoogle's Research Outreach
13:0014:00Lunch + Social Activity TBA
14:0014:25Matt Roberts (MQ)A Survey of Pattern Matching A B
14:2514:50Huw Campbell (Simple Machines)Icicle: Composable Streaming Queries with Modal Types A B S
14:5015:15Rahul Gopinath (U Sydney)Dancing to Unknown Music: Learning Black-Box Program Input Grammars with Prefix Queries A B
15:4516:10Gary Miller (The Helix Collective)The C3 Model - Modelling the Fitness of a System of Languages A B
16:1016:35Julian Mestre (U Sydney)Optimizing Function Layout for Mobile Applications A B
16:3517:00Fabian Muehlboeck (ANU)Language Design and the Semantics of Partial Programs A B S

Link | Abstract | Bio | Slides




If you have any questions about SAPLING 2023, please contact Fabian Muehlboeck at fabian.muehlboeck AT .