The first step in applying for postgraduate research study at the ANU is to find a supervisor. Candidates for Computing PhD and MPhil programs will need to find and secure the support of a supervisor in the School of Computing before completing their application. A supervisor can be any qualified academic working at the School who is able to assure continuity of supervision for the candidate, at the discretion of the Associate Director HDR. This page lists academics who are currently accepting new postgraduate research students in the ANU School of Computing.
Before submitting your application
Please first confirm that your proposed supervisor appears on the list of available supervisors below. If your proposed supervisor is not listed please seek confirmation of their availability via email to the Associate Director HDR at before submitting your application.
Please see this page for information regarding ANU Central Scholarships, including when and how to apply. Those who are successful in the Central Scholarship round will be required to commence by certain dates also outlined on this page.
Q. What is the typical composition of a supervisory panel?
The ANU HDR Supervision Procedure prescribes that every panel comprises a Chair, Primary Supervisor, and other Associate Supervisors. The Chair is typically experienced in supervision and responsible for oversight of all aspects of a candidate’s program. The Primary Supervisor provides academic oversight of the major research aspects of a candidate’s program. The Chair and Primary Supervisor may be the same person. To quote from the procedure]:
The Primary Supervisor is registered on the ANU HDR Supervision Register:
- holds a Doctor of Philosophy or a combination of qualifications and professional experience that the Delegated Authority considers equivalent; and
- is a member of the academic staff of the University employed by the University full-time or part-time on at least a 50% basis or, if the Delegated Authority approves in writing in the particular circumstances of the case, an Emeritus Professor of the University; and
- is actively carrying out research and publishing in a relevant discipline area.
Primary supervisors will be expected to assure the supervision to completion for every student.
A Supervisory Panel is a minimum of three members for a PhD candidate and at least two members for MPhil. The ANU School of Computing expects the Panel Chair to be a tenure-track, continuing, or emeritus academic within the School who holds the rank of Senior Lecturer (Level C), Associate Professor (Level D), or Professor (Level E).
Academics listed below are available to supervise as Primary Supervisor. Any other proposed Primary Supervisor must be confirmed in writing by the Associate Director HDR via email to prior to application. Panel composition is subject to School approval by the Delegated Authority (in our school this is Associate Director HDR).
Why are some academics not available to supervise?
An academic may be unavailable to supervise for many reasons, including periods of extended leave, or being at capacity for the number of candidates they can feasibly supervise default ANU policy limits primary supervisors to a maximum of six HDR candidates at any one time).
How do I approach a potential supervisor?
There is much good advice available online on how to find a supervisor, such as:
- and
- First check a potential supervisor’s personal web page to make sure your research background and interests are a good fit before you email them.
Currently accepting HDR students*
(supervisors shown in boldface have funding available for scholarships)
* This list may not be comprehensive. For questions regarding availability of other School of Computing academics please contact