Lectures are on:

  • Tuesday 14:00-16:00 (Kambri MCH)
  • Thursday 14:00-16:00 (Kambri MCH)

Lectures will be given in-person in Kambri (see rooms above). They will be available on Echo 360 shortly after each lecture time.

Lecture Slides / Videos#

We used eight slide decks this semester. All eight sets are provided here for convenience.

set 1 set 2 set 3 set 4 set 5 set 6 set 7 set 8

Lectures follow content in the course textbook ‘Digital Design and Computer Architecture’ which you can find here. Chapters are listed on the right of the table, however the slides often follow sections instead of whole chapters, which you can find in the footnotes of the slides.

Date Topic(s) Lecture Slides Video Textbook
20/02 Intro, Motivation, Digital Logic Week 1 Week 1 (1) Chapter 1
22/02 Binary Number System Week 1 Week 1 (2) Chapter 1
27/02 Combinational Logic (I) Week 2 Week 2 (1) Chapter 2 / 5
29/02 Combinational Logic (II) Week 2 Week 2 (2) Chapter 2 / 5
05/03 Sequential Circuits (I) Week 3 Week 3 (1) Chapter 3
07/03 Register and Memory Week 3 Week 3 (2) Chapter 3 / 5
12/03 Finite State Machines Week 4 Week 4 (1) Section 4.6
14/03 Sequential Circuits (II) Week 4 Week 4 (2) Chapter 3
19/03 Von Neumann Model & ISAs (I) Week 5 Week 5 (1) Chapter 6
21/03 Assembly Programming (I) Week 5 Week 5 (2) Chapter 6
26/03 Assembly Programming (II) Week 6 Week 6 (1) Chapter 7
28/03 Microarchitecture Week 6 Week 6 (2) Chapter 7
16/04 Assembly Programming (Loops & Arrays) Week 7 Week 7 (1) Chapter 6
18/04 Assembly Programming (Functions & Stack) Week 7 Week 7 (2) Chapter 6
23/04 Functions (I) Week 8 Week 8 (1) Chapter 6
25/04 Public Holiday (ANZAC Day)      
30/04 Functions (II), Execution Environment Week 9 Week 9 (1) Chapter 6
02/05 Exceptions and I/O Week 9 Week 9 (2) Chapter 6/Slides
07/05 Multi-Cycle Microarchitecture Week 10 Week 10 (1) Chapter 7.4
09/05 Pipelining Week 10 Week 10 (2) Chapter 7.5
14/05 Pipelining Hazards, Branch Prediction, and Locality (1) Week 11 Week 11 (1) Chapter 7.5 / 7.7.3
16/05 Pipelining Hazards, Branch Prediction, and Locality (2) Week 11 Week 11 (2) Chapter 7.5 / 7.7.3
21/05 Out-Of-Order (1) Week 12 Week 12 (1) Chapter 7.7.5 / 7.7.6 / Slides
23/05 Out-Of-Order (2) Week 12 Week 12 (2) Chapter 7.7.5 / 7.7.6 / Slides
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