
Week # Date/Time Lecture # Topic Slides
1 19/02/24 4-6PM 1 Introduction to Parallel Computing 1up 4up
20/02/24 4-5PM 2 Classical Parallel Hardware 1up 4up
2 26/02/24 4-6PM 3 Message Passing 1up 4up
27/02/24 4-5PM 4 Performance Measures and Models 1up 4up
3 04/03/24 4-6PM 5 Embarrassingly Parallel Problems 1up 4up
05/03/24 4-5PM 6 Routing and Communication 1up 4up
08/03/24 4-6PM (**make-up lecture**) 7 Synchronous Computations (I) 1up 4up
4 12/03/24 4-5PM 8 Synchronous Computations (II) 1up 4up
5 18/03/24 4-6PM 9 Parallelization by Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer 1up 4up
19/03/24 4-5PM 10 Parallelization by pipelining (I) 1up 4up
6 25/03/24 4-6PM 11 Parallelization by pipelining (II); Mid semester outlook and exam review 1up 4up
26/03/24 4-5PM N/A Mid semester exam
Teaching break (01/04/2024 - 14/04/2024)
7 15/04/24 4-6PM 12 Motivation for Parallel Computers, Shared Memory Programming 1up 4up
16/04/24 4-5PM 13 Shared Memory Programming, Pthreads 1up 4up
8 22/04/24 4-6PM 14 Thread Synchronization, OpenMP Part I 1up 4up
23/04/24 4-5PM 15 OpenMP Part II, Simultanous Multi-Threading 1up 4up
9 29/04/24 4-6PM 16 Single Instruction Multiple Data 1up 4up
30/04/24 4-5PM 17 Introduction to GPU Programming Concepts 1up 4up
10 06/05/24 4-6PM 18 GPU SM architecture & Execution Model (I) 1up 4up
07/05/24 4-5PM 19 GPU Execution Model (II), Intro to GPU Memory Management 1up 4up
11 13/05/24 4-6PM 20 GPU Memory Management: Global and Shared Memory, CPU Cache Coherence (I) 1up 4up
14/05/24 4-5PM 21 CPU Cache Coherence (II) 1up 4up
12 20/05/24 4-6PM 22 Performance Analysis with the Roofline Model (CPU & GPU) 1up 4up
21/05/24 4-5PM 23 Outlook and Final Exam Review 1up 4up
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